Welcome to the More About Meeeeee(づ ◕‿◕ )づ


Hii! My Names Gabs, I'm ninteen years old and im just living life. Here I will talk about my hobbies, interests, and just a bit my about me.

My Hobbies


Chapter 1: Early Gaming Experiences

I have been playing video games since I was old enough to really grasp putting on a game and turning it on. Whether it be from my older sister's computer, my DS, or sneaking into my older brother's room and playing on his PS3, I tried anyway to find a game and play it. I don't know exactly what my first game was, but I have very vivid memories of playing "Disney Princess Magical Jewels" for the DS, which is an AWFUL game playing now, but I do remember having a bit of fun playing it when I was younger.

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Chapter 2: Exploring Different Game Types

When I began to get older and my brain could comprehend more than collecting jewels, I started to play more adventure-type puzzle solvers and had some silly games on the side. I began to play games such as "Super Mario DS," "SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePants" (which is actually the first game I ever remember finishing), "New Super Mario Bros," "Mario & Luigi - Bowser's Inside Story," etc., with exceptions of "Cooking Mama" and "Hannah Montana Music Jam."

Chapter 3: The Introduction of GameCube

I was gifted a GameCube early in my life, and I still don't know who it belonged to; it could've been my uncle's or a shared console among my siblings. Regardless, it opened a whole new world of video games that I could play in my room without worrying about my brother telling me to go away, as you know how teenagers can be. Games included with my new gift were "Pokémon Colosseum," "SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom," "Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes," "The Adventure of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Jet Fusion," "Star Wars Bounty Hunter," "Resident Evil Zero," "Resident Evil," "Luigi's Mansion," and "Metroid Prime." In that order, these were my favorites, with the first four being my most obsessed-over.

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Chapter 4: Deepening Interest in Gaming

My progression through games began to get more serious, and I started to favor more action RPGs, puzzles, and horror games. This journey was further fueled by playing on my GameCube and experiencing titles like "Castle Crashers," "Uncharted," and "GTA IV" on my brother's PS3. I was hooked.

Chapter 5: The Arrival of the WiiU

It wasn't until December 24, 2012, that the new release of Nintendo's Wii U came along, and little Gab got her own. It was an amazing day, and I was unbelievably happy to have my BRAND NEW CONSOLE WITH THE LATEST GAMES, marking a new chapter in my gaming journey. I received games like "Lego City Undercover," "Scribblenauts Unlimited," "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker," "NintendoLand" (which I regularly played), "Super Mario 3D World," and "New Super Mario Bros. U," in that order of preference. During this period, my gaming addiction escalated, especially during summer breaks.

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Chapter 6: The Gaming Addiction Escalation

I was constantly playing my games until SEVEN AM and sleeping in until three or four PM. I was also gifted an iPad, and with all of these games and being the youngest, I was left to my own devices. Day after day, it would be me playing all these games, and then finally, my family had enough, and oop, there goes my electronics (I also broke my iPad and Wii U pad). I wasn't allowed to have them for quite a while.

Chapter 7: The Computer Era

In fifth grade, my sister "upgraded" from her old Windows 64 desktop and got a Chromebook laptop. I was now handed down her amazing computer and began another game obsession, this time with "The Sims 2." When I tell you I get intensely absorbed in games, I REALLY DO. It was a repeat of what had happened with my Wii U and iPad, and, well, history repeats, and my computer was then gone with the rest.

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Chapter 8: A Break From Gaming

I occasionally would play on my Nintendo 3DS, which I received sometime in December 2011. I was eventually given back my GameCube and iPad, but my gaming wasn't as serious. I ended up being a really moody preteen with high depression and wasn't really interested in gaming for maybe a year and a half.

Chapter 9: Rediscovering Gaming through Steam

Until I got the courage to ask my brother if I could play some of his games on his Steam account when he's out with friends, and he said yes! I wouldn't play any serious games and more of CSGO (with bots), Portal, PayDay 2, and that was about it.

Chapter 10: A New Beginning with Steam

Skip forward to two years in August 2017, my brother gave me his old desktop, and I set up a Steam account, but I didn't have money, so it was just their free games. In November 23, 2018, my brother gave me some money to buy games on Steam, marking a NEW CHAPTER. I then proceeded to buy "Fallout 4," "Grand Theft Auto V," "The Sims 3," and "The Stanley Parable."

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Chapter 11: Discovering Fallout 4

I found out about Fallout 4 from my cousin during one visit to my aunt's house. He had visited from college and brought his PS4, so, being me, I asked if I could play, and my god, I loved it. Now having it for my own, I was introduced to the amazing Company Bethesda and their Fallout and Elder Scrolls series.

Chapter 12: Gaming and Friendships

Like I usually do, I was constantly playing my new games, but with some limits, as I also had a friend group at the time and wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. But eventually, things changed, and we dismantled, and I began playing much more.

Chapter 13: Expanding the Game Collection

In 2019, I got "Limbo," "Garry's Mod," "Left 4 Dead 2," "Lucius," "Goat Simulator," "The Forest," "Phasmophobia," and it carried on until the present day, with me playing well-known games.

Chapter 14: Embracing RPGs and Emulation

From this point in time, I was very obsessed with playing my RPGs and have grown to like them a lot. I ended up beating "Fallout 4," "Skyrim," "GTA V," and "Lucius" and then started finding games similar to them and began emulating. I started to emulate games for PS2 and played "Bully," "GTA San Andreas," and it carried on until the present day, with getting more games on Steam and my emulators.

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Chapter 15: Streaming and Beyond

I've begun to stream some games but mostly Silent Hill right now. I just finished 2 and am now working on 4. I'm still playing more games and will continue to for as long as I can. I'll keep you updated on my


Chapter 1: Interest for Music

When I was younger I remember always having an interest for playing music whether it be our old white piano or my old Barbie Island Princess “laptop” that would beep different sounds when pressed on I just really liked being able to recreate the music that I have heard, I especially loved playing with our piano.

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Chapter 2: Beginning Piano Lessons

I can’t really remember much of me messing with the piano when I was little but around 2010-2011 I began my piano lessons. My mothers boyfriend at the time had a friend who was a piano teacher and I was very excited to get properly taught by someone and it was nice. He taught me well and printed out “sheet” music that were from songs I requested. I only ended up doing it for maybe five months and learned Song of Healing, Carmen Overture ”Toreador“, The Pink Panther Theme, Heart and Soul, and Fur Elise. I still know how to play all of these songs to this day which is crazy cause before I asked my mom when I began thinking it was like 12 or 13 but I was nine and ten.

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Chapter 3: Middle School

After I quit my piano lessons and went into middle school, I joined the RMS band and Orchestra. I chose to play the French Horn and Violin and carried on French Horn for all three years but IMMEDIATLEY dropped Orchestra after the first year.

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Chapter 4: Middle School Orchestra

My orchestra teacher was such a rude and gloomy man that would berede us for getting a note wrong or not playing in sync that I eventually emotionally gave up on the class. He ended up disliking me cause I would constantly talk to the people around me, wouldn’t practice, and overall just didn’t care. I seriously hate teachers like him cause he treated us like we were stupid when we are clearly beginners, THIS WAS A BEGINNERS CLASS. I never learned much or anything from that year of being there which is disappointing but what can you do.

Chapter 5: Middle School Band

In band I was much more excited to participate and learn especially sense our band director Mr. Nista was a very kind man. Even when he would yell for us to be quiet or give one of us consequences for not doing what we were supposed to, he did it in a way that was like “This is cause YOU did this.” which was completely understandable. I wasn’t really the best French Horn player, mediocre at best, but I still really enjoyed being apart of a band and all of us creating a sound together. I did eventually get tired of it though.

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Chapter 6: Eight Grade

Since my middle school days were filled with all sorts of drama or just seriously bad shit happening all around I was sick of band and tired of Mr. Nista saying “If you aren’t serious about this then you shouldn’t join next year.” I considered it and realized that yeah I really wasn’t putting my all into it and should just stop so I did and took peer counseling. For a little while it was alright, didn’t really talk much I still kinda made two friend from the two girls in my group. I started to get back into a friendship that I had abandoned in sixth grade and they were in band so wanting to sorta be with them and seeing them playing I wanted to try band again. Since the peer counseling teacher saw my mental health decline and knew of certain things she was able to talk to her husband, Mr Nista, about allowing me to do both while I occasionally went back and forth with both electives. It was alright and I wasn’t still putting my all but it was still fun to get back to being in a band.

Chapter 7: Freshman year

During my eighth grade summer break March 2019 I went to Israel for my mothers wedding. During our time there we were sight seeing again and just exploring since it had been my siblings, aunt, and older cousins first time there. We were going through the markets together where the Tower of David is and we had passed an shop that had a guitar. I was interested so I stopped to look and see how much it was but then I realized “How would I even bring this back to the States?” so I left it and my older cousin who plays bass and guitar had noticed and said if I wanted it but I declined and explained why so we let it be. In April my cousin had come to drop off a present which I was so surprised since I honestly do not remember any other presents he has ever given me. I don’t think it was wrapped up or anything but it was a small starter acoustic guitar. I was ecstatic and began to learn different song on the interment.

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Chapter 8: Learning on Acoustic

I began learning basic chords and was told by a friend at the time that the best easiest song to learn was unfortunately Riptide. Yes sadly that was the first song I ever learned on the guitar. From there I started to learn more chords and getting comfortable with switching through them quickly and progressed onto tabs. During this time I became more accustomed to using tabs and wanted to do more songs but it would’ve required a bigger guitar or electric, lucky for me my brother decided to get into guitar in 2020 and bought himself a electric Les Paul Special-II E1 with a small Epiphone amp. He eventually decided that it wasn’t for him since unfortunately he couldn’t get his hands to tunnel over the strings in a way so it was then given to me.

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Chapter 9: Electric Guitar Era

I began practicing more and more learning whatever indie song I was into at the time and it was an on and off again practice until now. I have a new amp that's technically for bass but I mean all I had to do was trade my electronic keyboard for the computer and a little DJ board that was both given to me for free and boom got me a 330 dollar RUMBLE™ 100 amp. I was also gifted for my birthday a Combined Effects Pedal from my sister and I just continued learning whatever, whenever.

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